Thursday, May 12, 2022

George again

This time last week I thought George was in his last days. He could barely walk, wasn't eating or barking, and was sleeping in the bushes.

Today he is back to his normal annoying self, barking to be let out, to be let in, eating well, following me around, and just being George. Hardly tilting or tottering at all.

I am so thankful.

(And he's back to being uncooperative for photos. He took himself off under the trampoline.)


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Such good news! George looks happy and relieved in the photo! The miracle of antibiotics!

Boud said...

Well, this is good news to come in to. When your patient won't hold still, it's a good sign.

Liz Hinds said...

He didn't actually have any antibiotics, Debra. An anti-nausea jab and that was it!

Never thought I'd be so glad to be getting up and down, Boud.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Wow! Then whatever it was just cleared up on its own then -- even more amazing!

pam nash said...

Good that George is feeling better! Maybe some little morsel he found on a walk or in the yard.

Kathy G said...

Glad to hear that George is back to normal.

PipeTobacco said...

WONDERFUL NEWS!!!! I am so happy for you!!!!! I suspect with the (relatively) rapid turn-around, that George DID indeed have an inner ear infection. Probably his immune system finally was able to summon enough T & B Cell activity to annihilate the damnable pathogen. If it had been non-bacterial/non-viral causes for the vertigo, the progress would have likely been far slower.

I am very happy for you, your family and George!


Marie Smith said...

Yay! Great news!