Friday, March 25, 2022

Was it a sign from God?

You know us Christians, we like to see signs in things. (Actually not me usually but some people.)

This morning I was having a special prayer time to pray for my grandson with long Covid. As I was drawing to a close the words about bringing the prayers to God's ears came to me. I looked up the reference in my concordance and then turned to psalm 34. As I got to the page it did this.

It lifted up and just stayed there. 

Oh! Was this a sign from God? That he was listening, that he'd heard my prayers? 

As it stayed up in the air I flicked it over and found this.
A piece of paper I'd obviously put in previously. 

Ah, well, it doesn't mean that it wasn't a sign, but ending with a laugh was good.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'd say it was a "sign from Liz"!

Boud said...

It was certainly fun while it lasted, though.