Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Anywhere but here

I shouldn't be here.

Blogging I mean. I should be writing but not here. 

I've just come in from sitting in the garden for the first time this year. It was brief but rather lovely, and a reminder of what is to come. For the most part today I've been working on the study I'm leading in Zac's tonight. Admittedly that included walking George over the tip and talking to myself, but mostly it's been on the computer. As it was Sunday and yesterday.

It will be a long time before I can run up a quick study in an hour. In fact I've ended my preparation today discovering I know less than I thought I knew when I started. Going backwards. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad sign.

Because we're hoping to go to Italy soonish I'm trying to get ahead with my radio talks. I say 'trying' in a very loose fashion as I haven't yet. That's what I should be doing now. I also have the next Bay article to think about. It's no wonder my brain gets confused.

When we were walking I saw an older man I haven't seen for a while. We had a chat and it turned out that his wife had died at the end of last year. I asked him, "Was she ill?" then thought, that was a silly thing to say. What did I expect him to say, "No, she wasn't ill, she just decided to not wake up one day."

In other news, in other words, is there anything else I can write to delay getting down to work? I facetimed Italy yesterday. The grandchildren that is. I didn't do a Queen-like broadcast to the nation.

GrandSon4 sang me three songs in Italian. Delighted as I am that he is settling in and learning the language, I am equally undelighted as I want him back here. I don't think that will ever change.

I have also made date flapjacks and have Moroccan (Welsh) lamb shanks slow cooking in the oven. 

I can't think of anything else to delay myself. So here's a pretty flower from the tip.


Boud said...

I think you can safely get to work now!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

We all have our little procrastination methods, don't we!

Boud said...

But first, have you whitened your tennis shoes??

Kathy G said...

Sometimes it is SO hard to get motivated!