Saturday, February 12, 2022

When the Tardis is out of action

Another busy week. GrandDaughter3's 3rd birthday in Italy (sad face) on Tuesday and Daughter's birthday on Wednesday. This afternoon we're watching the rugby at Elder Son's before a belated party for GrandSon3 who was in isolation at the time of his actual birthday.

In between excitements I've been doing some work on my new novel and looking after GrandSon2, as well as all the other normal weekly stuff. Oh yes, and I forgot a meeting.

This morning I went to watch GrandSon1 playing football. I was late setting off and then ended up driving around a cemetery and down an unmade road in my attempt to find the playing field. By the time I go there he'd played his first match, the second match had been called off, and he was reserve for half of the third game. So I ended up watching him play precisely ten minutes.

But I did get to talk to Dwayne Peel's dad. Now 99.999% of you won't know who Dwayne Peel is but he used to play rugby for Wales. His dad was giving me all the inside gen. Apparently Gavin Henson's a lovely boy, and Shane Williams is lovely too in spite of all the negative stories about him.

And we both agreed Wales has to beat Scotland this afternoon to retain any credibility or hope in the Six Nations. 

Then on the way home guess who I was following!

I suppose even the Tardis has to go in for servicing sometimes.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Even Doctor Who has to slum it once in awhile with the rest of us plebes!

Boud said...

He really needs a bumper sticker saying my other car's a TARDIS!

Anonymous said...

Exterminate! Annihilate!