Friday, February 18, 2022

Storm Eunice Damage Report

A book fell off the shelf in the study.

In other news, back much the same except the ache has moved up a bit, I suspect because, when I forget to make the effort, I am walking in a strange way to stop it hurting.

GrandSon2's 10th birthday today. He is already off school with Long Covid so he hasn't benefitted from the Bad Weather Day Off! However his sisters are home with him so no doubt will have fun.

Oh yes, Husband tells me a ship caught fire off Portugal. The crew have been safely taken off and they're hoping to rescue the ship and its cargo of 3,695 cars including 1,100 Porsches as well as Lamborghinis and Audis. That is one expensive cargo!

In another headline the BBC tells us that the price of Kitkats and Durex is set to rocket. Interesting that the headline writers chose those two items to spotlight. Chocolate and sex. It's what people want.

Although further down in the article we're told price rises will also affect Marmite and Ben & Jerry's ice cream. I'm sure there must be some sort of love it or hate it joke in there.


Kathy G said...

Sorry to hear that your back is still hurting. You're absolutely right that your walking will be affected. I don't know if it's an option for you, but I've found that seeing a chiropractor for things like that gets me back in shape quickly.

Liz Hinds said...

I'm hoping it will be better soon, Kathy.

pam nash said...

I read the article about the burning ship and very expensive cars. Actually, that doesn't both me too much. Now, up prices on Ben and Jerry's .........