Saturday, February 19, 2022

Goodbye Hog Roast, hello chilli beetroot

One thing I was not sorry to see the back of during lockdown was the trend for people to have hog roasts at their parties. I mean, basically, it's a pork sandwich, and only one if it's a big party and you feel guilty going back for more when there's not much left. And that's it.

Forgive my grouchiness. I am putting it down to me mistaking backache for hunger pains. To try to sate the hunger I am eating spiced chilli pickled beetroot. While nice it's not very satisfying. Also I'm not sure how much I can eat before my gut starts to object.

That's all. I have just prepared fish pie and I was going to sit down and begin re-watching House but Husband has told me he will watch it with me - this evening. I shall have to find something else.

Oh yes, we walked over the tip today and there were at least five trees down in a small area near the adventure playground. 

And one for all you sew-ers out there.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

The police and RCMP are currently clearing out the illegal truck convoy occupiers in Canada's capital city of Ottawa right now, but last weekend the mob was roasting a whole pig over an open fire in front of our Parliament Buildings. I'm sure it was some kind of not-so-subtle commentary on the police and politicians. Anyway, pig roasts are delicious! I've had a couple in Hawaii over the years.

Liz Hinds said...

In themselves they're fine as long as there are salads and dressings and other goodies!

pam nash said...

I think here we'd translate "Hog Roast" to barbeque!