Monday, January 17, 2022

Oh panic!

They brought Mini back from being repaired - apparently the tiny little scratch required a new door - and, as Husband was playing on Fortnite (please note that fact), I had to pay the man.

Husband did drag himself away long enough to check repair mainly because I couldn't remember which door it was, but hurried back leaving me to get my credit card. I assumed they'd have a little machine but no.  

The man had to call the office and I had to give the office lady my details. Over the phone. Which kept cutting out so after several tries, man 1 had to call man 2 from the car to bring his phone.

Do you see where I am going with this? 

I am faced with using two strange, quite possibly covid-laden phones. Panic, panic. 

I should have objected, said something, but I'm a wimp. I didn't know what to do. I wasn't even wearing my mask. The woman was having enough trouble understanding what I was saying without a mask to add to the confusion.

If I get covid I shall blame Husband - naturally - because I had to talk on the phones.

I should have said no.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh well, what's done is done. I hope all will be well!

Anonymous said...

The chance of catching covid from touching a surface is extremely low (despite panic at start of pandemic). As long as you didn't touch your face/eyes/mouth afterwards and washed your hands, you should be fine.

Even more so if you have had your booster jab. Luckily, Omicron is milder than Delta.

Boud said...

I know those situations so well where politeness and a bit of diffidence sweep you into doing things you worry about later. Let's hope all's well. With the mini. Oh yes, and you.

PipeTobacco said...

A new door because of a scratch?!? Wow. That sounds horrible. The repair must have been very expensive.


pam nash said...

I'm thinking as long as you didn't lick the phone and washed hands and face afterward, all will be well.

Cop Car said...

Don't we marry to acquire someone on whom to place blame? (That's what I tell Hunky Husband, at least.)