Monday, December 13, 2021

Poor Santa Lucia!

I discovered that today is Santa Lucia's Day. As I have my own little Lucia I decided to find out a bit more.

Apparently Lucia is one of the earliest Christian martyrs and her day is celebrated particularly in Scandinavian countries with a Festival of Lights. Young girls dressed in white and carrying candles or with a candle wreath on their heads parade through towns. It's meant to bring hope and light during the darkest time of the year.

Saffron buns, gingersnaps and mulled wine are traditionally served.

Poor old Lucy had a rough time of it if legends are to be believed but not much is actually known about her life.

So here's my own little angel.

Who already makes her will known and, like her Saint, isn't going to be forced into marrying anyone she doesn't want to!


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Awwwww, such a cute little Lucia with her own baby unicorn!

Sankta Lucia is a very, VERY lightly Christianized version of the Scandinavian Goddess of the Winter Solstice from back in ye olde pagan days. Under the Old Calendar, the Winter Solstice fell on what is now, in the New Calendar, December 13th.

Liz Hinds said...

Ah right, that makes sense having the light festival at the solstice.

PipeTobacco said...

Such a nice photo!!!!


Marie Smith said...

She’s a cutie!