Monday, November 22, 2021

Just call me Your Honour in Waiting

So jury service started today.

Up before I was awake and queuing outside court before nine o'clock in the morning.

First problem: I had to manoeuvre my way through a revolving door. I just have a things about them: do I have to push it? Will it move automatically? Will I have time to get out?

Second problem: security man appeared to be speaking Welsh. (He wasn't.)
Me: 'Sorry?'
Security: 'How can I help you?'
Me: 'Um, I don't know.'
Security, slowly and loudly: 'Okay, let's see, are you here for jury service?'
Me: 'Oh yes, that's right.'

Third problem: while going through my bag security man sees my water bottle. 'Would you take a drink from that, please?'

Being asked wasn't the problem: it was my initial reaction to pretend to be poisoned that was the problem.*

From there on it was fairly straight-forward if disappointing. Joined another queue only to be told I could go home. I am on a list apparently, and could be called at any point in the next two weeks - with twenty-four hours' notice.

I had better be called: I have already worked out how I am going to include a trial scene in my next novel. I need the details!

And it was still only five past nine.

Husband had dropped me off and gone to the gym so I walked into the town centre to do a bit more Christmas shopping, only to find most of the shops still closed.

Then I spent far longer than was necessary in a toy shop trying to find things I didn't really need to make my shopping cost more than £30 to entitle me to 10% discount. 

* I didn't really pretend to be poisoned. I used to go into prison a lot and I know how seriously they take 'jokes' in there.

P.S. I know once I'm on a jury I can't talk about the case to anyone but I don't think I've said anything confidential here.


Marie Smith said...

I was called for jury duty and didn’t get selected. I was happy about it!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I can never be on a jury because I'm a lawyer. We're automatically excluded from serving.

Boud said...

Not in NJ! Desperate for jurors. One of my lawyer friends tried that. Judge returned the excuse with "Nice try!" written across it. Everyone's called. Even me, ten years past the age, but they did accept my request.

pam nash said...

Last time I was called for jury duty, I spent an hour sitting in an uncomfortable chair with a bunch of other people (pre-plague days). Then a bailiff walked in the room and told us we could all go home thank you very much. Kinda disappointing.

Chuck Pergiel said...

Roger Pearse has a couple of posts that mention Wales. Thought you might be interested.
Most of his stuff is too esoteric for me, but I stick my toe in occasionally.

Ole phat stu said...

Didnt know that. Thanks for teaching me.