Friday, April 30, 2021

Not that I'm affected by advertising but

Husband and I watched the excellent Unforgotten on ITV catch-up recently. Because we watch so little ITV for the first couple of episodes we found the adverts interesting. One in partiicular struck me. It was for BMW.

I can't remember exactly what the advert said but it mentioned the 'famous front grill'.

'Is it famous?' I asked.

'Yes,' said Husband, 'very distinctive.'

Since then I find myself spotting and identifying BMWs by their front grill.

Husband, of course, can tell you the make, model, and year, of an old car simply by the bend of its bumper. 

And it's an advert on the radio in the car that has also led me to action this morning.

I have a tiny cough. So tiny it could well be imaginary or psychosomatic. I am 99.99999 recurring certain that I don't have Covid but then the advert comes on in the car: 'It could be you! You could be one of the one in three people carrying the virus without knowing it!'

So this morning I popped along to our local collection centre and picked up a self-test kit. 

It's done now and I'm waiting my thirty minutes for the result. Assuming it is negative I won't be repeating the test in a hurry: I was retching before the swab even reached the back of my throat, and sneezing with it up my nose. It is not pleasant.

On the plus side I got to go on the stage at the Grand Theatre!*

P.S. A resounding negative result.

*That's where the collection site is.


Boud said...

I was in conversation long ago with a Beemer acolyte. He mentioned BMW and I innocently asked him what it was, a sports team or what. He looked at me as if I'd arrived from a spaceship! I explained I don't know cars, can barely recognize my own unless I see the number plate. Poor guy was shattered. His assumption that everyone would know and admire his B was knocked down. I wasn't being mean, either, he knew.

LL Cool Joe said...

Both my daughters have bought new cars, both of them are white BMW's. :D Not really my cup of tea, I love my Wrangler Jeep.

Glad the test was negative!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

My Rare One wanted me to buy a BMW but I am much, MUCH too cheap to do that. Even if I could stomach the purchase price, do you know how much it costs to service one of those cars? Every little part and every little job is sky-high! No way.

My two reasons for trying so hard to avoid Covid are: (1) the disease itself, and (2) that gawdawful swab test! I don't EVER want to have to undergo it!

Ole Phat Stu said...

Women everywhere have selected their favourite car.
It's the red one!

Liz Hinds said...

I'm with you, Boud.

I love our mini, Joe!

AVOID IT, Debra! Keep on avoiding it!

When I worked in DVLC, Stu, a car drove into me as I was driving in the car park, and drove off. I told the guys I worked with. They said, 'Report it! What kind of car was it?'
'A grey one.'

Cop Car said...

Similarly to Boud's experience, I was totally in the dark when a car salesperson told me that the car I was considering was a "line for line" duplicate of a BMW. While I bought that (white) 1982 Mazda 626, it took me a few years to start recognizing BMWs.

pam nash said...

Sigh - these days, all cars look the same to me. Never mind the price tag - they look the same.

Janie Junebug said...

Negative can be a positive.
