Thursday, January 14, 2021

The Welsh virus

 My sorted tin cupboard:

It may not look very different but I am getting rid of all these pans:
I started this renew and chuck away plan mainly because I wanted to replace my swiss roll tin (used very rarely for that purpose but frequently for other things). So it's a shame that my order for replacement tins didn't include one of that size!

It wasn't strictly my fault: the website didn't give dimensions, just comparatives i.e. large baking tin, mini oven tray etc, so anyone could have made the same mistake.

Earlier in the week my order of Yardleys soaps arrived. I'm not sure if they're all past their Best By date - and thus could be sold cheaply - but they all seem to smell the same of nothing much. It could be my nose though. My sense of smell has been dodgy for over two years now. 

So it can't be Covid  - unless ... it all began with me!

Don't tell anyone. They may try and put me in a cage and stick needles in me. And Trump will start calling it the Welsh Virus. No, actually, he probably has never heard of Wales so he will call it the English Virus.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

No, no, don't be PATIENT ZERO!

Cop Car said...

Thanks for the info on the Welsh Virus. Unless you send me a few Bitcoin, your secret will be spread - NOT.

Your cupboard is ever-so-neat, putting some of us to shame - thank you very much!

Well done. (I had to look up "Swiss roll pan" to learn that I would call it a "jelly roll pan" if it is the proper size. Otherwise, we call them baking sheets, 1/2-size baking sheets, or 1/4-size baking sheets.)

Polly said...

We won't be blaming you Liz, my friend M lost her sense of smell over 6 years ago :-)

Bohemian said...

Your Organized Cupboard makes me realize I'm not the only one Pandemic Organizing Cupboards and Closets! I don't think I've ever been as organized as this!? So, Wales was Ground Zero... who knew?

Ivy and Sophia said...

Loved reading this thankks