Sunday, September 27, 2020

What's puffball in Welsh?

Yesterday I thought I'd managed to mess up my Sainsburys order due that afternoon. It turned out I hadn't even placed it.

Today the order was successful - except I've realised I didn't order any potatoes, a staple part of our diet. 

Ah well, I'm sure we'll cope.

Did I tell you I was the lucky winner of a selection of Welsh books for children? It was down to the luck of the draw rather than my expertise in the Welsh language. 

I have a way to go before I can translate and understand these, and so read dramatically to GrandSon4. Maybe by the end of lockdown I'll have it sussed. Very pleased to win though.

Ie, ydw/ydy, do, and cei all mean yes. You use them in answer to different questions. Apparently. I wish I'd started this years ago. My brain forgets too quickly at my age.

On the other hand I don't think my brain ever knew these were called puffballs.

Four-year-old GrandSon4 pointed them out to me when we were collecting conkers. (Nuora uses conkers to make washing powder.)

Then today when we were on the trampoline playing ring o ring o roses, GrandSon2 explained that the rhyme comes from the Black Death. I asked him how he knew that and he said, 'I read about it in a book.'
This from the boy who was slow to read but suddenly it clicked and now he can't get enough. This makes me so happy.


Marie Smith said...

I see our seven year old granddaughter suddenly becoming fluent at reading. When it clicks, the the sky is the limit.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

It gradually became apparent that younger grandson could read fluently but preferred being read to ...

Liz Hinds said...

It's a wonderful moment, isn't it, Marie?

Oh yes, they all still love being read to, Sonata. Actually I would if I had the chance.

Ole Phat Stu said...

I don't know the Welsh spelling for Puffball, but it sounds like "Deez Mash".

pam nash said...

I had to look up Puffballs - so called because of the way they produce spores. My grands are older than yours but I did enjoy reading to them and then reading the same books with them.