'I'm struggling a bit with reality,' Husband said.
'Huh,' I said, 'you should try being three different people* in the course of thirty minutes.'
It turned out he didn't mean my sort of reality; he meant infinity, eternity, that sort of stuff. He's still thinking about his alternative theory and getting a bit bogged-down.
While walking by the river we discussed black holes and dark matter - note to Self: not the dark web, that is something altogether different - covering both Newton and Einstein in the process. I say we discussed; I mean that Husband talked and I 'listened', throwing in the odd line here and there. Lines like, 'With our finite minds we are incapable of understanding the infinite.' (Yes, I was rather pleased with that and kept repeating versions of it always including the word 'finite'.)
In fact I was so engrossed in our discussion that I walked into an overhanging tree branch. Which must prove something.
* I have been writing blogs and FaceBook posts not only on my own page but also in the personae of my heroine and her agent. (Incidentally the agent doesn't exist; it's just me pretending to be one.) (Suggesting that my heroine does exist. I could be creating my own Black Hole here.)
Don't forget that you can listen to the serialisation of This Time Next Year at any time. Pop over to ... hang on ... that's right, Alison's blog or Buzzsprout, which gives you lots of listening options.
It's FREE and they're short episodes, but start at the beginning which is at the bottom. It's called The Day Before and it was first podcast on 1st April.
I believe that once the brain dies, there is oblivion but "eternal sleep" is a much nicer, more poetic way of saying it. And that's okay. We all enjoy a good sleep.
I’m with Debra, for today at least.
What comes after the end? I think a bit of us stays as long as there is someone who remembers us. Once they've gone, then we just fade away.
Recommended reading for your husband :-
The Road to Reality, by Sir Roger Penrose.
ISBN 0-679-45443-8.
1099 pages of advanced phsics. Doing all the exercises,
it took me 4 months to read. CopCar struggled.
It starts with hyperbolic geometry and goes on from there;
a complete guide to the laws of the universe.
Have fun!
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