Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Three cakes, three fails

Not entirely fails but not as good as I would have hoped.

A number of years ago I tasted some apple cake made by a friend. It was delicious and I asked her for the recipe. I didn't try it out until today. That'll teach me.

One cake was over-cooked; the other two tried to fall apart. Of course, I had to sample them to make sure they taste better than they look. I'm pleased to report that they to. Yummy in fact.

Today, exercise class. Slightly distracted at one point by rather large spider crawling across the wall behind me. Not as hard as last week. 

Cake-making. See above.

Book promoting. Have spent the best part of two days trying to set up an 'Easy to Set Up' mailing list. You know the sort of thing: sign up here and get a free book plus occasional newsletters. It's for my writing blog but now I come to think of it I could put the button on this blog too. Hm. Should be simple now I know what I'm doing.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Doesn't matter what a cake looks like so long as it's tasty!

Liz Hinds said...

Absolutely, Debra. Ate half of one last night.

pam nash said...

Having you cake be both beautiful and tasty good would be what my daddy called lagniappe. Tasty good is just fine!