Thursday, September 24, 2020

Pea puree rock road anyone?

Finally back to exercise for the first time since lockdown began in March with 'Gym with Jim' yesterday morning. In a well-spaced airy hall it felt fine - Covid-wise that is. Less fine on the stomach muscles that I'm beginning to feel today. A good session though and I hope we are able to continue.

And ... Jim could tell I'd been working out during lockdown. Yay me!

There were other things I meant to write about but I've forgotten them all. Back later if I remember. In the meantime here's some mint chocolate rocky road for you.

I admit it looks a bit as if I've dribbled pea puree on the top but it's actually white choc with a dash of green colouring - the wrong colour green obviously.


Cop Car said...

Despite the off green, you persuaded me that Hunky Husband deserves such a treat. Thanks, Liz.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I don't care what it looks like, I'd eat it!

Marie Smith said...

Exercise and chocolate. Sounds perfect.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

I'm glad you told us what it is. I was wondering if it was an ant farm for hip, modern ants.