Thursday, September 10, 2020

Only a little bit panicky

Setting off to pick up and drop off food for Zac's today I realised there was very little petrol in the car. 

No problem as I could nip over to Sainsburys after Zac's. And as I was there I could go in the store and buy bread for Husband and onions for me. It would be my first visit to the superstore, and was mildly exciting. I even considered browsing through the clothes.

It was fine in the shop: lots of space, not too many people some of whom - but not enough - were wearing masks, and it should have been fine.

But I panicked. I didn't have a panic attack - those are bad - I just got very stressed and couldn't get out quickly enough.

Getting back to normal - one day it will happen - is going to be difficult.

Meanwhile one of our more sensationalist daily papers had this headline: There goes Christmas. Oh happy days.

I take my veg transporting seriously.


Cop Car said...

You don't plan on feeding only one or two people with that enormous container of vegetables, do you? Wow! What's in there?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, buckle up for safety!

Liz Hinds said...

Last Thursday there were 55 for lunch bags, CopCar. Cabbage and carrots!

Better safe than sorry, Debra. I'd hate to have the car smelling spilled cabbage for months!

nick said...

I may be 73 and supposedly "vulnerable" but I don't feel uneasy walking round Sainsburys. Most customers and quite a few of the staff are wearing face masks and I reckon my chance of catching the virus is pretty tiny. I'm probably more likely to be knocked down by a car.

Liz Hinds said...

I know, Nick. I was looking forward to getting back to shopping; I just panicked!

Terra said...

When I go out to public places I wear a mask, and when I shop for groceries I wear mask and gloves. I could imagine feeling panic though, since I go out so rarely and it seems strange to be in line waiting to pay for the food. Where I live in California masks are required indoors in shops. Your lunch bag project sounds like a good one.