Sunday, September 06, 2020

Building a dinosaur

I don't know how it happened. One moment I was sorting out the spare bedroom, the next I was making a dinosaur. And that's not as easy it sounds.
With fifty-one pieces and only the picture on the box to work from it was probably always a silly idea. Yet ...

Almost there! But he doesn't look quite like the picture, does he?

When I finally got all the bits in the right order facing the right way ... he wouldn't stand up on his own at all. I needed an engineer. 'Husband!'

But he couldn't fix it either. We have settled on the excuse that it is a flimsy design - and nothing to do with any little bits I might have put in the wrong way around. It couldn't possibly be my fault.

Look no hands! Almost.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

He looks like he's got Disco Fever!

Marie Smith said...

It looks like a challenge!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Your's looked a lot more argumentative!

Liz Hinds said...

It was a challenge, and I suspect he's had a drop too much to drink at the disco and is ready to fight or fall down.

Ole Phat Stu said...

Mine's a Brontosaurus, see