Saturday, August 29, 2020

What did you do today?

I built a helicopter!

To be specific, I helped build a helicopter. Younger Son designed it and tied the rotors together but I was the one who remembered to take string with us!

A trip to one of Gower's beaches had been planned but GrandSon4 wanted to build a helicopter on Granny's beach so it was settled.

It was a Fire Rescue Helicopter so we spent quite a bit of time filling buckets with water and throwing them over sandy buildings on fire. That was until lunchtime when I replaced GrandDaughter3 as assistant to the Fireman and we had to look out for and avoid three-eyed monsters. Fortunately the helicopter had the ability to turn into a dragon at the press of a button. A fire-breathing dragon at that. So we were saved.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

An awesome helicopter/dragon!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

A most successful day out! The memories you're all building...

Marie Smith said...

Making memories again! Such fun!

Ole Phat Stu said...

I hadn't known there was a cargo cult in Wales ;-)

A technical question : Are Welsh dragons limited to 400kph, as helicopters are?