Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Things you can do with a Babybel wrapping

I spent the morning playing with grandchildren. It involved mud, stones, diggers, sand, and slugs.

I was shifting tiles so they could look for creepy crawlies and at one point GrandSon4 picked up and then dropped a slug. 'Can you pick him up, Granny?'
'Um, er, well, I'm holding the tile. Could you pick him up instead?'

Sorry, slugs are just one step too far for this granny.

GrandDaughter3 is getting used to me again now. Lockdown was a very long time when you're only one and a bit. She spends a lot of time studying me. Younger Son says it's because I'm weird. At the time I had a Babybel red wax cover stuck on the end of my nose and GrandSon4 was beeping it. Nothing to see here. All perfectly normal.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Sounds like great Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer cosplay!

Marie Smith said...

Lol. Great fun with the kids!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Always called Put Off the Nose Red Reindeer in this house.
( Why were you rehousing the slugs?)

LL Cool Joe said...

It's amazing the stupid things you'll do to entertain your grandchildren! :D