Thursday, August 20, 2020

The wit of the woman

 Sitting in the car this morning I came up with an excellent retort to an argument. 

Sadly the argument took place about five years ago.

I am tempted to get back in touch with my opponent just to put him in his place. But of course he would come up with different points and I would be silenced again because I am so bad at debating. I don't think it's necessarily because other people are cleverer than me; they just convince me they are. Or they know a lot about one thing and aren't open to other ideas.

And because I tend to argue with my heart not my head. And my brain is slow.

Never mind. Here is a photo of a conglomeration of chocolate chip cookies.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Your first two sentences made me laugh out loud! We've all been there!

Chuck Pergiel said...

Never mind your opponent, we know you were right and he was wrong. Anyway, cookies win.

Thomas Aldora said...

Nice blog, I will keep visiting this blog very often.