Monday, August 10, 2020

Sunflowers in the rain

The weather forecast said it would be dry until this afternoon, and I figured that early (ish) on a Monday morning would be a good time to visit a local beauty spot currently boasting fields of sunflowers.

How wrong can one person be?

First of all there were loads of people there. Probably not as many as a sunny Sunday afternoon but still filling the car park nicely.

As we got out of the car we felt the first drops of rain. 'It's going the other way,' says I, and, indeed, it stopped. At least until we were in the middle of the sunflower field.

'It's very atmospheric,' another visitor shouted across at me.
'Yes, nothing like lightning over the Worm to create an atmosphere.' I didn't add 'of terror'. I figured that if I were lower than everything else I'd be safe so I walked along crouched over, and that was fine until the lightning flashed and the thunder cracked right over our heads. I screamed.
'Okay, shall we go back now?'

By the time we got back to the car we were soaked through. I had to drive home in my knickers.

The photos don't do justice to the sunflowers or the conditions.
 You could barely see the Worm's Head through the mist.

This sunflower looks rather like we felt. 
A few rows of corn planted down the middle.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, that poor bedraggled sunflower . . . wait, is that YOU?

Cop Car said...

What kind of grain is that in the last photo? It's like nothing that I recall ever seeing.

Just think: You had a free shower. My mother used to tell us kids that we were neither sugar nor salt and would not melt. (Of course, I was born during a rain storm - in the elevator as Mother was being taken to the delivery room.)

Marie Smith said...

Lol. Always an adventure!

I wrote about sunflowers today too.

Ole Phat Stu said...

FWIW, the seeds in the spirals around the sunflower form a Fibonnacci sequence. Did you notice?

PipeTobacco said...

Beautiful sunflowers!


Thomas Aldora said...

Nice blog, I will keep visiting this blog very often.