Friday, August 28, 2020

How to tell if you're valued

Or 'A Tale of Two Churches.'

Many years ago I had written, worked on, and practised a piece of writing for a Christmas show. On the night, just about halfway through the programme, the organiser came up to me and said, 'We're running late. Is it okay if we drop your piece?'

I could have said, 'It's only early evening; I don't think people will mind if we're a bit late,' or, 'Couldn't you drop one of the songs instead?'

What I said was, 'Yes, fine. No problem,' before I sat back down next to Husband and explained, with a forced smile on my face and a stomach doing somersaults, that I wasn't taking part after all.

Yesterday I asked Sean, who leads Zac's, if it was okay if I posted something on the Zac's FaceBook page. I'd been feeling a bit low and thought writing something encouraging might help others as well as me.

Sean said, 'Yes, of course. You don't need to ask. I trust you and value your skill in communication.'

See the difference?


Terra said...

Oh yes, big difference. One dismissive of your work and one embracing of it.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, what a contrast! Glad you are where you're valued now!

Marie Smith said...

It is a huge difference. It is great to feel appreciated.

Liz Hinds said...

It was a positive change I made and I am continually thankful that I did. Thanks all.