Friday, July 03, 2020

Today Matthew I am appearing as ...

Looking for a completely different photo I came across these.
Murder mystery party
Murder mystery party

Grandson pirate party

Grandson superhero party

Granddaughter Harry Potter party (Prof Trelawney)
In approximate chronological order.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I love these! It's surprising how many adults will NOT dress up for a costume event. I think those types have lost the spirit and joy of childhood and make-believe. Glad to see YOU still have those qualities in abundance!

Anonymous said...

You look so cute as a flapper, Liz. I'm pretty sure that we haven't been to a costume party since the 1960s. As Debra notes, our set lost the desire to pretend. I never was much for pretending, but I at least made costumes for our family members. (Hunky Husband hated it when I had him wear earrings with his Gypsy outfit and you should have seen him as a monk.

Liz Hinds said...

I hated dressing up when I was younger - and cared - but now lead me to it! Husband quite enjoys it too.

Ole Phat Stu said...

Looks amusing.
We almost don't have costume parties here, so I don't own even one :-(

Cop Car said...

Apologies. I just realized that I didn't sign my comment about Liz as a flapper.

pam nash said...

Excellent! Costuming up is always fun - you get to be someone else for a while!