Thursday, July 23, 2020


I picked some raspberries earlier this week. I grumbled to husband that they weren't many on the bushes. Then he discovered this.
George picking his own.

Me? no!
He always used to steal raspberries but we hadn't noticed him doing it for a while. He's obviously learned to be sneaky.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, GEORGE!!!!

PipeTobacco said...

😜 Cute! I am surprised he does not get “gastrointestinal” issues as a result. Our dog does when she eats raspberries or cucumber.


Liz Hinds said...

Indeed, Debra!

He is immune nowadays, PipeTobacco.

Marie Smith said...

Smart dog. He knows the good stuff when he smells it.

pam nash said...

What a smart puppy!