Thursday, June 18, 2020


When I write to my grandchildren I include little drawings. In his last letter GrandSon1 writes, 'I really think you've improved your drawing a lot since I last saw you.'

He's eight.

Just to prove him wrong here's a self-portrait I did yesterday. No, actually I quite like this. As long as I have someone taking me step by step through the drawing process it's fun.

It's a grey day here today, has been raining non-stop since I got up, although it seems to be easing off now.

George is lying in the hall moaning. If I get up and open the door for him he just looks at me disdainfully. 'I don't want to go out,' he says, 'I want to go out out.'

Maybe later George.

Have you watched - you may not be able to actually as it's on BBC iPlayer - Staged? It's six fifteen minute episodes and is the best thing on television at the moment. Michael Sheen and David Tennant are supposed to be rehearsing a play ready for when lockdown is lifted and the theatres can open again, but it's more about their bickering, like an old married couple. They appeared together in Good Omens and they seem to have a great relationship.

If you can watch it, do! You won't regret it. And if you do it's only fifteen minutes out of your life. But you won't.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

That's a great self-portrait! I like the big eyes and cute eyelashes.

I haven't seen the actual film of "Staged" but I've seen gifs of it. Love the bit about Sheen's painting versus Tennant's pineapple! They were SO great together in "Good Omens."

Marie Smith said...

Your grandson sounds very wise for eight. It is a great drawing.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

You've drawn just the sort of friendly face a young Granny should have.
As for i-Player, if only I could! But the BBC won't let Europeans subscribe, quoting copyright issues. Dutch television does buy and air quite a lot of programmes from the BBC but by no means all, sadly. I like the sound of 'Staged".

PipeTobacco said...

I so love that you include drawings in your letters!!!! I have a few small doodles my mother wrote on little messages she left me to do chores from when I was a kid and I cherish them!!!!

I so wish I could view things on BBC through iPlayer. I have tried, but it is not usable in the US due to rights issues.


LL Cool Joe said...

Love the drawing.

I don't watch TV at all, haven't for years!