I was asked to make a short film of a talk on the bit in the bible about not judging. Writing the talk was fine: it only had to be ten minutes. Filming it less so.
First of all Husband worked out how to make the page in Word scroll so I could read off the laptop while being filmed. That was ingenious but distracting, and I decided I would be better off trying to sort of learn it. Note the 'sort of'. That's the problem.
I stutter and then panic and my mind goes blank. So far I've made two versions and I'll try cutting one of them smoothly to end up with a less blithering end product.
Obviously before I could film myself I had to do my beautifying, which meant getting out the bleach. Now, can you guess the first thing I do when I take this box out of the cupboard?
In fact the thing I do every time I see it.
Cannot imagine what’s first...
I can hear you singing from here! Belt it out, girl!
Perhaps you could make a video of your version for us? "Joleen, Joleen ,Joleen, Joleeeen....." and we could all sing along at home
And, wow!, now that's running through my mind too. Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Joleeeeeeeen ..
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