Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Is the bible relevant today?

Busy preparing to lead bible study for Zac's on Zoom tonight. Have I told you we're looking at the story of Esther? It's very different from the rest of the bible, for one thing there is no mention of God in it at all.

It's very well written and has lots of pantomime moments, with a baddie, a goodie and a brave heroine. (Actually a couple of brave women. Queen Vashti was brave refusing an order from the king to parade in front of a a load of drunken men, but she doesn't get a lot of credit.)

And it's so relevant to life today. We have racial tension and potential violence; and we have a weak leader who does everything his right-hand man says. SPOILER! In this story the baddie/right-hand man gets his comeuppance.

We can only hope.

* * * * * * * *
This morning a wave of melancholy swept over me for no obvious reason. Husband said, 'You need a good burst of exercise to perk you up.'
So we did 20 exercises in 20 minutes with Joe Wicks on youtube. About halfway through Joe said, 'Okay, now we're going to do one-armed burpees.'
Cue hysterical laughter from me.

I'm not sure that was the sort of perking up Husband meant.

This isn't Joe Wicks but is the one arm burpee.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

The term "burpee" is just inherently funny, I think.

Liz Hinds said...

It is, Debra! Not that we are at all immature of course!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

I'm so going to do this … first thing tomorrow.

Ole Phat Stu said...

Is the bible relevant today?
Well it certainly predicted Trump correctly!
See Revelations 13:5

pam nash said...

Yep - I joined right along with hysterical laughter - one armed burpee's - yeah, not in this incarnation.