Tuesday, June 02, 2020

A Christian apology

Please know that all true followers of Jesus are angry, appalled - there aren't words to describe how abhorrent we find Trump's abuse of a bible and a church for a photo opportunity. 

How he has the support of white evangelical American Christians is beyond me. How he was ever considered fit to be president, how he is allowed to get away with the lies - even more blatant than those told by our politicians, though we are catching up. 

I am so angry, so disturbed, so upset.

I am sorry. This is not what Jesus taught. Jesus told us to love. (He also told us not to judge but at this particular moment I am judging and I can't apologise for that.)

The central theme of Jesus' teaching was love. When asked to sum up the commandments, his answer was love. 'And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.' (1 Cor 13:13)


SmitoniusAndSonata said...

We all are, the sheer crassness of this man perpetually astonishes.
As far as one can see he hasn't ever actually opened a Bible, let alone read one.

Geo. said...

Dear Liz, Thanks for a measured and well-considered post. There's only one criticism in my comment --not meant to offend:"...angry...disturbed...upset" are certainly appropriate responses to being insulted at any level, personally, collectively, governmentally, an insult is an affront to dignity and humanity. It deserves no apology. The work of people like you and me supports an administration. When governmental executorship becomes an insult, it's not for us to be sorry, but time to pull our shoulders from under and let it come down.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

My Rare One and I were discussing the state of the USA today with friends of ours who are snowbirds spending 5 months each winter in the warmer climes of the USA. One of them said she was surprised that Bible didn't burn Trump's hand as he held it.

Ole Phat Stu said...

Did you notice that in his photo op,
Trump is holding the (borrowed) bible upside down?
Sign of the Beast?

Liz Hinds said...

That would seem to be true from everything he says and does, Sonata.

Yes, you're right, Geo. But what can we do to bring about the collapse?

That would have been fitting, Debra!

Stu, as someone on my twitter feed said, 'If that had been Obama the republicans would have called him the antichrist.'

Cop Car said...

I marveled at how, in the videos I've seen, a book (I think it is a stage prop) suddenly appeared. He wasn't carrying it on the walk to the church as far as was evident; then, shazam! It was probably in the football with the nuclear codes?

Leslie: said...

It was a disgusting display and more were horrified than proud! His day of reckoning cannot come too soon, in my humble opinion.