Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Lockdown fever

I was excited when my new jigsaw was delivered. 'That's lockdown fever for you,' I thought, but then I remembered I'm always excited by a new jigsaw.

Here it is being purified by the sun - latest reports say sunshine is very good for killing the virus.
And while I was in the garden I thought I'd take some photos of our roses.
It's lunchtime now so I'm inside avoiding the heat of the day. I can't cope with too much.

And that's the sum of my excitement for the day. Currently learning about weather in Welsh. It's amazing the number of words we use for different sorts of weather that you don't think about until you're trying to learn the Welsh counterpart. My favourite so far is cymylog, which means cloudy. (I like it for the way it sounds not what it is as such.)


Cop Car said...

Ah, you have beautiful roses, Liz. I like them all.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

"The World of Shakespeare" -- that should be an interesting one to do!

Marie Smith said...

The puzzle looks like an interesting one. Enjoy!

Ole Phat Stu said...

I think that "The World of Shakespeare" would have 46 pieces. Why?
Take Psalm 46, count in 46 words from the start, you find "shake".
Count back 46 words from the end, you find "spear";-)
Rumour has it that the Bard was one of the people involved in writing the KJV :-)

pam nash said...

Well, a much nicer package to receive than the last one I got - a dozen plain 1 gallon plastic pots. What lovely roses you have. I am jealous.