Sunday, April 05, 2020

Palm cross ritual

Growing up in the Anglican church meant familiarity with traditions and rituals. When I moved back to Swansea and back to church I joined a modern evangelical church that had no need or desire for such things.

But the chaplaincy in prison is basically Anglican so, whenever I could arrange it, I would try to be there on Palm Sunday to get my little palm cross.

Ritual? Yes. Tradition? Yes. But also a reminder how quickly minds can be manipulated and directed by subversive means. 

On Sunday Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. Crowds flocked to see him and sing his praises, breaking off palms to wave in triumph.

By Friday the gossip-mongers and spies sent out by the authorities had done their work. The crowds turned against Christ, demanded his death, preferring to free a murdering terrorist.

So easily manipulated. And I suggest it is even easier today with social media and fake news for those in authority to have us believe what they want.

So something that happened 2,000 years ago is still relevant today even if you're not a follower of Jesus. Question and doubt, and if you're not sure, look for the good.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good point! Human nature does not change much.

Chuck Pergiel said...


Terra said...

I love traditions and rituals in the Christian faith, and the church I am a member of for about 7 years now, doesn't use many of those things. Still, I love this church which has a heart for Jesus and for people. Sending you a hug across the miles in these difficult days.