Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Husband, my Hero

Just a quick update: Apple failed to resolve my problem. Husband did.

I spoke to two very helpful people from Apple Support. I thought we had it sussed when the woman said she'd send me an email with a link to sort it out - until the link just sent me back to the main Apple Support page that has nothing intuitive or helpful about it.

Husband took pity on me as, for the second day running, I'd had to walk away and leave the computer before I punched it. He came in, took me through it all again, queried things here and there, until finally we got there!

It should have been simple. If Apple's instructions had been more helpful. If instead of just saying, 'You can't do this' they'd said, 'You need to do this.'

Now I can breathe again. And have better dreams too I hope.

Last night I dreamed I was with people made of wood. They had little ladybird/beetle things crawling over them to help them process information.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hurray for Hubz!

Liz Hinds said...


SmitoniusAndSonata said...

I think I'd even welcome an infestation of little creepycrawleys if I could work out half of these new things.

pam nash said...

Good job husband and good job you that you didn't actually punch the computer. Myself - I always threaten to throw it into the street and jump up and down on mine.