So I baked a cake. But fate was cross with me so I missed the timer and forgot about it in the oven.
Yes, like Alfred the Great, I burned my cake*. But it was still edible. Just.
This is a traditional Welsh cake called Teisen Lap, meaning cake on a plate. As you'd expect from the name it's a flattish cake. My gran used to make hers on a large metal plate. My version is slightly different from the recipe because I add apple chunks. (Part of my five a day?)

* According to legend, back in 878, when King Alfred was fleeing from the Vikings he hid in a peasant cottage. The old woman asked him to watch her cakes - small loaves - that were cooking on the fire. He was so absorbed in his own problems he forgot, the cakes burned and the woman scolded him. You can read more about Alfred here.
Sounds like you were channeling the baking skills of Alfred the Great himself!
We watched "The Last Kingdom" on Netflix. It was pretty great, but I don't think they mentioned the cakes.
I'd be happy to have a slice … we all would!
Such an interesting story. Your cake was worthy or Alfred it appears.
It still looks really good to me!! I cannot read the recipe from the picture, is it baked in a cake pan or actually in a baking sheet! If a baking sheet, it must be a quite firm mix.
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