Thursday, March 19, 2020

The first casualty in our house

The first casualty of the pandemic in our house is days of the week.

On a normal week I have regular events that give me a fix on what day it is; now there is nothing. Days are being sucked into the black hole of time and I am floating helplessly. (Stu, don't correct my science; allow me to be a writer.)

I suppose it doesn't matter. What need have I of day names? Perhaps I should use numbers - so we would now be on Day 3, assuming I start counting from the first day of isolation. But that's very boring. More creative names are needed.

So yesterday would be Carrot Day, and today will be ... what will today be? Each day will be an adventure!

In the middle of the night I was lying awake thinking, this is going to be terrible. But it will only be terrible if I let it. So I won't.

One casualty I must strive to avoid: hygiene. I don't want a diary of days labelled, Did Not Wash Day, or Forgot To Change Pants Day.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I know exactly what you mean! Is today Wednesday?

nick said...

I often forget what day it is, because my week used to revolve around my 2½ days of part-time work and now I'm no longer working. But there are things to identify the days with. If it's toast and marmalade in bed, it's Sunday. If it's Question Time, it's Thursday. If it's coffee and pastries at Caffè Nero, it's Thursday. And so forth.

Liz Hinds said...

Could be, Debra. Or it could Fall In The Mud Day.

WE watch very little live television these days, Nick, so that won't help us. On the other hand, breakfast in bed every day would be a good diea.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

If you look carefully, your laptop tells you what day it is.
The only snag with that is that then you end up reading three other things so make another cup of coffee and then it's lunch time and then you can't be bothered to go for a walk...
I need a dog.

Ole Phat Stu said...

Malteser Day! (every day?)

Liz Hinds said...

Does it tell you the day. Sonata? Perhaps you can set it to.

Now you're talking, Stu.

Lisa said...

The first casualty is always days of the week. I am now at what month it is. My brain is telling me that it is still the beginning of February one minute, and the end of April the next. The dates on the computer screen help, but I have to match them up to a calendar. As far as Corona day 1 or 3, I don't know what day to number it. I think I'll start calling them by the project that I'm working on: Orange had day 1, Sock day, Cross stitch day 3, etc.

Liz Hinds said...

That sounds much the best idea, Lisa.

Anonymous said...

This comment string makes me realize that since we started sequestering ourselves, my first thought of the morning, upon awaking, is no longer, "Today is ___day." Such had been my unthinking routine since retirement 16 years ago.
Cop Car

pam nash said...

I usually know the number of the day (today is the 20th) but not always the name of the day. I like the idea of renaming the days - so for me, today is 'Yay! Rain Day'.