Sunday, March 15, 2020


So we elbow-bumped in prison this morning.

This was, of course, after handing out hymn-books. Pointless? Possibly but quite fun. 

So much contrary advice on the internet most of it proven to be untrue. Although the latest advice from the government seems to suggest over-70s should self-isolate. One would like to think their concern is to stop our elderly from dying but, as Husband said, it's more likely to relieve pressure on the NHS, which isn't a bad thing. Or maybe they just realised that if lots of old people die they would be losing a large percentage of their voters.

Daughter and family came to see us yesterday in what felt like a farewell performance. I made the most of it, doing lots of cuddling and kissing. Today Younger Son tells us he is isolating us because his work in the community brings him into contact with lots of people and he doesn't want to pass anything on to Husband.

Meanwhile I have told Husband I am going to shut him into his little cubby-hole for the duration. (It's a bedroom with computer so he has everything he needs. I will leave food and regular cups of tea outside the door.)

What, if anything, are you doing to protect yourselves?


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Everything is closed down or cancelled here in Alberta. Except the schools, unlike some other Canadian provinces. I'm largely staying home and washing my hands a lot. Getting a lot of little chores and jobs done around the place!

Marie Smith said...

Staying home after shopping yesterday. One confirmed case here. Take care.

PipeTobacco said...

Even though this all feels frightening for us all, here is my take on this:

The major reason for all the shutdowns is to try to SLOW the spread of the infection. It is going to be most everywhere. But..... if we slow it enough, we will maintain adequate hospital facility space to treat the unfortunate percentage of folks who are at strong risk for NEEDING hospitalized care to survive. Fortunately, most people will not need hospitalization.... but for those that do, we want the spread to be slow enough that everyone who needs the hospital’s facilities will be able to be there. IF we can do this, the mortality rate from this infectious agent will be a small percentage of people. If it happens all at once, that is the most dangerous situation where there will not be enough hospital spaces for all the people who need them to get that level of treatment.

So, hopefully people will heed the closures we’ll and we CAN slow the rate of spread. Hopefully, most of us will have no or only mild symptoms... but for those who do respond really badly, we need as much open hospital space to help them through this as possible. By isolating, we keep fewer really bad cases from happening all at once where there then may be a lack of hospital spaces.


SmitoniusAndSonata said...

We're still at the beginning but so far all cafes, museums, cinemas and, to quote the official announcement tonight, "sex clubs" are shut till April. Colleges, schools and libraries are all shutting . About the only movement in town was thanks to flocks of seagulls and pigeons in the main square.
But luckily no one's suggesting house arrest for over 70s … yet.

Tasker Dunham said...

"In his cubby hole". He must be like me. If I started self-isolating nobody would notice for a couple of weeks at least.

pam nash said...

I live in a small town where, at the best of times, there is little to do. I have a million and one projects to do at home so I plan to hang out here.