Friday, February 21, 2020

Christmas jumper and hi-vis jacket

Seeing this photo now, after the event, I realise how tired my face looks. That's what happens when you're to speak at a funeral and wake up regularly the night before and find yourself practising the words.

I only had a short spot but one of the things I wanted to say involved the story-telling abilities of Mike, the deceased. As Janet had asked us to wear something that reminded us of Mike to the funeral I wore my Christmas jumper - Mike used to go to town on the Christmas decorations, every year adding a new singing fish or yet more flashing lights. And over it I wore the hi-vis jacket.

Here's why.

"Mike had a fabulous gift. I like to think of myself as a writer, a story-teller, but Mike raised the bar. He could spin a story out of the least thing. Something I would relate in two sentences he could make into an entertaining yarn.

I remember one tale in particular. Mike and Richard, his son-in-law, had been to a big football event at the Millennium stadium. I’m not sure of the details but there were definitely big teams, famous footballers involved. Mike and Richard were leaving when Mike noticed some high vis stewards’ jackets and he suggested to Richard that they put them on. Apparently you can get away with anything when you’re wearing a steward’s jacket. They made their way into the bowels of the stadium into all the No Public Access areas, and were able to meet and and greet many famous names. 

I’ve told that story in less than a minute minute; Mike made it so entertaining that it lasted an evening and three pints. That was his gift."


Debra She Who Seeks said...

A wonderful story and the perfect sartorial accompaniment! A great tribute to your friend.

Marie Smith said...

A natural story teller!

Liz Hinds said...

Thanks Debra. And he was, Marie.