Thursday, December 05, 2019

Bye, bye solitaire

I had a friend request on FaceBook recently. (For those unfamiliar with FaceBook it means someone wants to be your friend on there. It's usually someone you know. Be wary if it's not. Being a friend means they can see your posts and you can see theirs.)

I clicked okay as I thought I was already friends with this person. Then I discovered the only reason she wanted to be friends was to tell me she wasn't sending me a Christmas card. (Harsh!)

Her reasoning was that it was expensive to post cards so she's only giving to those she can hand to. But, I suggest, m'lord, if she can hand  a card to a person she could just as easily say, 'Happy Christmas,' instead and give more money to charity.

But mine not to reason why.

By the way, did I tell you I have placed a moratorium on solitaire for December? Is moratorium the right word? Hang on, while I look it up. Yes, one meaning Mr Chambers gives is 'a temporary ban on.'

It was taking up too much of my time and life. So it had to go. Until Christmas anyway.


Marie Smith said...

Solitaire would be better suited to the winter months maybe.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I played a lot of solitaire as a kid. My grandma showed me a couple of ways to play it. It was fun! I played computer solitaire for awhile in the 90s, but haven't done so since.

Liz Hinds said...

It is winter, Marie!

Me too, Debra, with proper cards. Don't start again on the computer: it's addictive!