Friday, November 22, 2019

Complaining in an awfully British way

I knocked on the door and the home-owner opened it. 'You can't count on my vote unless you are giving away free Maltesers.'

I wasn't but I think I should write to that nice Mr Corbyn and suggest he amend the manifesto to include free Maltesers for all. It's a sure vote winner. People are fed up of Brexit and the state of the economy and the problems in the NHS but everyone loves free Maltesers.

I'd actually gone to the house to pick up my young friend. She was home from doctoring in the south west and we were going for coffee or rather hot chocolate and tea. I determined that I would not, under any circumstances, have cake. 

I had a Kinder Bueno blondie. 

I was a little late collecting her as I had to make an unexpected phone call. We are in the process of selling Uncle's apartment, a process that is taking even longer than is necessary I'm sure, because of the ineptness of the numerous solicitors involved. 

First thing this morning Husband wrote a stroppy email to our solicitor. I reviewed it before he sent it and added an extra bit of stroppiness, complaining about, amongst other things, that our solicitor always seems to be 'with a client' when Husband phones and never phones back. 

He quickly replied that he wasn't legally allowed to speak to Husband but would be happy to speak to me. Husband is dealing with all the (boring) business stuff so, although he's kept me up to date, I'm not really equipped to speak to a solicitor. But I did my best.

Before I came over all British. 

I really cannot complain. I hope the sternness sounded in my voice and that my abrupt, 'Thank you. Goodbye,' spoke volumes at the end. But for a start the solicitor sounded about eighteen. Or like he may have a new baby who is keeping him awake at nights. And he had loads of excuses, claiming that he had done things and that he would do others.

And he's on holiday next week ...


nick said...

Why does anything involving a solicitor take so long? They always blame every one else of course but really, the time it takes to complete a house sale is ridiculous.

Liz Hinds said...

Not to mention the cost. Because Uncle lived in a retirement village for a while there is the the added complication - and expense - of the leasehold to be sorted out. Grrrr.

Marie Smith said...

Everyone we deal with here looks as if their parents wrote them notes to be out of school for the days.

Phoning or emailing a lawyer here costs $150.00. A prolonged issue can be quite costly.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh dear. It's bad enough the headlines we see coming out of Britain these days -- "Brexit!" No Brexit" "Sex Offender Duke of York!" Will the next one be: "Local Woman Caught Up in Election Scandal -- 'Maltesers for Votes' Bribery Charges!"

Ole Phat Stu said...

Tsk, tsk, Liz! It's not "under any circumstances", it should be "in any circumstances", because it comes from the Latin "circum sto" = stand around, not stand under. OK?

Liz Hinds said...

Good grief, Marie, that's even worse!

Guilty as charged, m'Lord!

I do need your Latin expertise, Stu! I should know better.

LL Cool Joe said...

I'm voting Lib Dem. I never wanted to Leave and they seem to be the only party that want to end Brexit.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

I think their fees are so high to compensate for having the most boring job on earth!