Thursday, October 03, 2019

Imaginary friends and numbers

So we're walking back through the woods - in the rain that wasn't supposed to start for another hour - and the subject of calculus comes up.

What's the difference between algebra and calculus?' I foolishly ask Husband, who then proceeds to tell me, leading us into imaginary numbers.

'i is the square root of -1,' he says.
'Everyone knows you can't have a square root of a minus number.'
'Which is why it's imaginary. j and k are also imaginary but I don't recall what they are.'

If I tell anyone I have imaginary friends they will look at me strangely and probably avoid me in future; mathematicians can talk about imaginary numbers and everyone thinks they're geniuses. This seems unfair to me.

One of my not imaginary friends - not actually a friend in fact - asked me to bend over and put double bows in her shoelaces. I checked and she already had double bows.

That was on Tuesday. It wasn't until this afternoon that it occurred to me that she could have done it herself.

Now it's October George is allowed on the beach again.


SmitoniusAndSonata said...

And there is already lots of new stuff to collect. Joy!

Anonymous said...

Differences between algebra & calculus? About 3 IQ points.
Cop Car

Ole Phat Stu said...

Of course you have an imaginary friend!
You even preach about Him ;-)

Terra said...

Imaginary numbers? Then we can have imaginary friends, it is only fair.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Algebra was enough of a challenge for me. I never even attempted calculus.

Chuck Pergiel said...

Definitely unfair.