Tuesday, October 15, 2019


I have no energy or enthusiasm. Things I usually enjoy doing look like huge mountains.

And I feel fat, and I don't like my hair. Which inevitably means I will attack my fringe. And then regret it.

All I want to do is curl up in bed and read until I fall asleep. But that makes me feel guilty and adds to the misery.

I bet you're really glad I've shared this with you today. Don't worry, I'll be over this soon I'm sure.


nick said...

We all have our out-of-sorts days, when we can never wholeheartedly engage with anything and things that don't usually bother us suddenly become betes noires. It will pass.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

It's very grey and wet at the moment so it's difficult to be wildly enthusiastic about anything. Casseroles and Netflix help.

Anonymous said...

Delayed reaction to your hot water bath? Take a day off.
Cop Car
P.S. While working in the yard, this morning (a balmy 17 degrees C when I went out), I noticed that my clothes were suddenly soggy - and that the concrete patio was completely dampened. Frontal passage. The dew point dropped, suddenly, and the moisture came out of the air in an instant! I've been caught in sudden fog while flying, but this was a new experience.

Liz Hinds said...

It will, Nick. Could do without it though.

A big dose of Netflix i think, Sonata.

Possibly, CopCar. Someone else mentioned delayed shock. Gosh, that must have been a strange experience.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Take a day or two off and just PAMPER YOURSELF! Do whatever you want -- NO GUILT! You deserve to feel good.

Geo. said...

"Guilt"? "Regret"? I've always opted for regret --way less lasting or destructive than guilt. Some events and decisions are unavoidable, but still, give onto self-compassion. It spreads, I mean if you're kind to yourself, you're kind to others. Sounds weird, I know, but usually true.

Anonymous said...

you're talkin' my language! well. minus the snack in my cleavage.
my motto this summer was "this too shall pass."
it's just that lately it seems longer. lol. xo