Monday, September 30, 2019

When 7+2 doesn't equal 9

My latest article for Bay magazine is out now. In it I talk about death. I'm fun like that.

You can read it here.

I'm currently in the process of writing next month's article. You'll be pleased to hear I'm talking about ice cream this time. 

* * * * * *
Last night I said, 'Tomorrow is going to see the start of a new me. I'm going to be organised and dynamic.'

Really you'd think sixty-six years' of experience would teach me you can't change a lamb in a dress into a wolf in a red cloak, or something like that. 

We got off to a good start: neither of us woke up until 8.45 am.

That said I have cleaned the bathroom, caught up on a bit of blogging, and washing, and have put on the heating. (It's nearly October.) I haven't however washed myself, or cleaned my teeth. 

* * * * * *
You'll also be pleased to hear that I kept very accurate records of my sales, and money in, money out, yesterday. With the result that I find myself £1 up and only had to cheat a little to make my spreadsheet balance.

You wouldn't think it would be possible, would you, to make so few sales and still be inaccurate in my accounts? I tried so hard too.

* * * * * 
And I can't finish without mentioning that, yesterday, Wales beat Australia in their pool game in the rugby World Cup in Japan. I wasn't expecting that. Even when Wales went in at half-time 15 points ahead I still doubted. When Australia seemed to be a different team in the second half and rapidly closed the gap all my fears looked as if they were about to be realised. But Wales won!

Now Wales is seen as a realistic contender for the finals. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. My stomach is still unknotting itself after yesterday's game.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Another good article for Bay magazine! Go Wales!

Liz Hinds said...

Thanks, debra.

Terra said...

Good article on death, something I am thinking about a lot since the death of my dear hubby. My Christian belief is that Christ defeated death for us believers, but that doesn't end my sadness for a loss.

Liz Hinds said...

Absolutely, Terra, and to pretend otherwise is untrue.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

I understand the thinking behind it but don't feel comfortable with the exclusivity.