Sunday, September 22, 2019

A forgotten snippet

Don't tell me you wouldn't too.

When Ms Sat Nav says, 'Turn right on Via Galileo Galilei,' it is compulsory to burst into song. 
'Galileo, Galileo, Beelzebub has a ...'

And speaking of the man there is a rather fine portrait of him in the Uffizi. It was painted after he'd been found guilty of heresy by the Roman Inquisition for suggesting the ridiculous idea that the earth revolves around the sun.
There is also a 'thing' in a square - and of course I can't remember the details of it but both tree and dodecahedron are significant. (Spellcheck has suggested I meant to say rhododendron.)
P.S. "... the mulberry tree “represents the mysteries of nature” and was one of Leonardo’s favourite plants. The dodecahedron, on the other hand, represented the entire universe for the ancient Greeks and the Renaissance Neoplatonists." From The Florentine


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I love the symbolism of that sculpture, as explained by you.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Pity we couldn't hear you