Monday, July 29, 2019

Monkeys in the park

When you're in the house alone, in the shower, and the water flow suddenly changes ... You know the dishwasher and washing machine aren't going, and you have water in your ears so you start hearing strange noises. You think, 'Burglars!' then you think, 'They must be doing the dishes for me,' and you stop worrying and carry on washing.

Husband has been bored in hospital all weekend but he has taken to watching - and telling me about - daytime television. This morning his viewing schedule is being interrupted while he has an angiogram. Hopefully they will be able to determine the problem and maybe even solve it with a stent. He's not in pain and is more relaxed now he's being looked after by people who know what they're doing as opposed to people who sigh and say, 'I suppose helping me change the bed would count as exercise and therefore be unacceptable? Yes, I thought so.'

In other news I visited a new park with GrandSon4 near the hospital yesterday. Not totally new as we lived in Morriston when we were first married and took the children there occasionally. It has, however, in the course of thirty years changed a bit. Not a lot but it does have these rather lovely sculptures now.
GrandSon4 spotted the badger from a distance and we had to creep up quietly to see what it was.

Then last night I watched the first episode of a BBC drama that was on recently, Called Years and Years, it's written by Russell T Davies (of Doctor Who rebirth fame) and takes a look into the near future through the lives of one family. It was the most terrifying thing I've seen on television for a very long while and I won't be watching any more. Real life is too scary to contemplate.


Anonymous said...

You didn't call your husband at the hospital to tell him to come check for a burglar? What a really thoughtful wife you are.

Hoping the angiogram shows only good news--
Cop Car

Liz Hinds said...

I didn't, CopCar. I must remember to point that out to him.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Burglars who do the dishes for you -- that gave me a hearty laugh, thanks!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

is the badger carved out of the tree trunk? … amazing if it is.
and everyone should have a couple of monkeys.

Liz Hinds said...

Yes, it is, Sonata. It's beautiful.