Sunday, June 02, 2019

Revisiting the past

In bed this morning enjoying my now traditional Sunday morning lie-in - well, my second one anyway - I had finished my book and was flicking through Facebook when I noticed that a favourite of mine was speaking at Linden Church this morning. It was 9.55; service started at 10.30. I leapt out of bed, showered and rushed downstairs forgetting that Linden never starts on time.

Anyway, jolly glad I did as Mandy was excellent. Spoke about Elisha - I know nothing about him - and related his story to her's, with the message of making sure you're listening to the right voice. 

Cut out the voices that aren't doing you any good, and don't be afraid to ask God for what you want. God will finish what he started in you.

As I drove to Linden I prayed that it would be okay. I went there for years and then stopped going to concentrate on Zac's (and because I wasn't happy there). I've been back on several occasions but each time I get a little nervous walking up the drive, wondering who'll be there, and whether I'll feel comfortable. Each time it's fine but you know me, old worry-warts.

It was okay. It was more than okay. It was good. (Apart from one reading that was done in such a spiritual Christian way that I cringed. On Tuesday in Zac's one of our bible readings was done by a guy who'd just come in from the street. He started by apologising and saying he couldn't read very well but he'd give it a go. He stumbled over words and missed a line here and there but he did it. He offered and he finished it. Precious moments. A contrast to today's reading. But I spoke to someone after and was reassured that the speaker was an all-round good egg and not really the way she sounded.)

Also found out that Linden will conduct its first gay wedding at the end of June. 


Terra said...

It was meant to be that you attend that service and hear that message.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Glad it was a good experience for you!

Liz Hinds said...

Thanks both.