Friday, June 07, 2019

Not nomophobic, not me

Spent a large part of the morning plucking up my courage to make a phone call because I suspected it would involve me being shouted at for something I hadn't done. (I mean I was being accused of doing it and I hadn't.)

Turned out to be nothing of the sort. Feel all sort of free and jolly now. Which is just as well as I have to make another difficult phone call - but only difficult in that I'm not sure exactly whom I'm supposed to be phoning.

And I hate phones. 

There's an interesting article about phone phobia accompanying this image but it's from the Daily M**l and I refuse to share it, but apparently it is a recognised thing - and I thought it was just me. 

I don't know if this phobia has a name but nomophobia is the fear of being out of mobile phone contact. So now you know.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Sometimes introverts are reluctant to make phone calls, especially if they are cold calls to an unknown person. I have felt this as well.

Liz Hinds said...

Indeed, and I'm still putting off the other call ...

Anonymous said...

Being phone phobic, myself, I claim that having lived in a time when phones were a luxury - used only by adults - I've not matured enough to feel entitled to disturb others with my phone calls. Last I checked, I averaged 11 minutes/month on my phone; but, since that included volunteer work, I'm sure that it has been much lower for the past two or three years.

Perhaps you'll have resolution to your "other" call, eventually. *smiling*
Cop Car

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

"Phonophobia" seems to be more fashionable than any of us guessed!

Liz Hinds said...

I do avoid making phone calls whenever possible, CopCar. And people rarely phone me so when they do I don't recognise the ring and ignore it.

Indeed, Sonata, who#d have thought it? Or maybe all us phobics would have.