Friday, June 07, 2019

Is change a good thing?

The other day on Facebook I signed and shared a petition. This particular one was about ensuring the NHS wasn't sold off during trade talks but I've signed various ones over time. 

Husband saw I'd shared it and he signed too but then he did some checking up. Again I am probably late coming to this but he discovered that the organisation doing the petition,, was a 'scam' in his words.

I did some checking of my own and I am reassured that it's not totally a scam but it is a profit-making group though even though it has the .org bit at the end. Husband was also concerned that it didn't say what they were going to do with the petition, but, apparently, its petitions have done good and caused issues to be considered, and change has come about in some cases. Still I will probably stick to and recognised charity petitions in future.

I will also be more careful about what I automatically assume is good and worthy. Just because I'm not paranoid it doesn't mean they're not out to find out everything they can about me in order to influence my vote.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

You can't be too careful these days.

Liz Hinds said...

True, sadly, Debra.