Sunday, June 30, 2019

A really boring blog post

Woke up yesterday croaking like a frog. Called off barbecue planned for later and spent the day relaxing. Must have done me good as I'm not croaking today. (But seem to have lost ability to form proper sentences.)

And really that's all I have to say. How very boring. Come along, woman, try and do better. Let me see. 

I went to a tricky meeting on Thursday but came home in glorious sunshine and went in the pool for the first time. Friday I was baby-sitting then family came round for dinner and swimming. Much fun was had by all. Hardly gripping stuff, is it?

I finished one book - review to follow - and began and will probably discard a second. What has happened to my life? Oh I remember, I've been a bit poorly so I'm not joining in the fun.

It'll soon be time for the blog tour for The Dog-walking Club, but I'll write more about that on my writing blog. Also must write an article for The Bay and prepare for the talk I'm giving on Tuesday about my books. This time I must work out in advance how much I'm going to charge for my books and keep proper records - if I want to avoid Husband's wrath/nagging. 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Well, I'm glad that croaking didn't last too long!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Even croaking, you do more in a day than I do in a week!

Geo. said...

Indeed, avoid husband's "wrath-nagging" at (ok, nearly) all costs. I am a husband and have learned this the hard way. You may thank my wife, but please refrain from being effusive.