Monday, May 13, 2019

The path less travelled

There's nothing like a stroll by a stream on a sunny day with birds singing to help you remember how good life is.

And there were loads of butterflies. I spent about twenty minutes walking up and down a bit of path trying to get a photo of a peacock butterfly. I thought I was about to get it when I realised I'd been creeping up on a feather.

Walking along the path we came to a fallen tree blocking it. George looked at the tree, looked at me, and then looked again at the tree.
'It's okay, George,' I said. 'We'll turn around now. You don't have to struggle to get over it.'

Days were when he would have jumped over with no problem.

Now I'm going to write a bit of the sequel. Can anyone tell me how I can forget what I'm saying in the middle of a sentence but, when I'm trying to get to sleep, I can write (in my head) whole paragraphs and lie there for another thirty minutes revising them? 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

George, I know how you feel.

Ole Phat Stu said...

I thought you were going to quote Robert Frost's poem there :-)

BTW : at this end the photos do not appear, just a blank space each time :-(

Liz Hinds said...

George says, thank you, Debra. He's glad someone does.

I wonder if that's because I copied them rather than embedding them, Stu. I was surprised it worked - but perhaps it doesn't.

Anonymous said...

FYI: The first time I saw this posting, the photos showed; thenceforth, not.
Cop Car

PipeTobacco said...


I think your ability while falling asleep to compose is due in part to being (or at least preparing) to be relaxed. Losing thoughts at other times suggests stress. When a person (or non-human animal) is stressed, their autonomic sensory systems are in "overdrive" and you are more easily distracted because you are more focused on external forces and recognizing them. At bedtime... you are (or are trying) to ignore the external stimuli and can more easily focus on the internal thoughts.


Liz Hinds said...

I've embedded the photos now so they should show, thanks, CopCar and Stu.

That's interesting, PipeTobacco. If only there were a way of switching the internal thoughts off.

Stu said...

I confirm pix now visible.

Liz Hinds said...

Thanks, Stu.