Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Real life Peaky Blinders

In the Comments when I write 'Thanks' I nearly always mistype it as THanks. And every time Spellchecker's first suggestion is T Hanks. It's a puzzlement.

Anyway, that aside, yesterday evening I had a long chat with a real life Peaky Blinder. Not strictly a Peaky Blinder because a) he wasn't from Birmingham; and b) he didn't have a razor blade in the peak of his cap; but he was an ex-member of a large family gang that dominated parts of one of our largest cities. 

He showed me some of his scars from axe, knife, bullet, and machete wounds. He shouldn't really be alive. But he is and got out of organised crime about thirteen years ago. He has a strong faith and he's been clean of drugs since January in spite of some of those around him trying to drag him back. 

He is an encouragement.

P.S. Peaky Blinders is a BBC series about gang warfare in the Midlands from just after the end of the first world war. Highly recommended.


SmitoniusAndSonata said...

None of the Peaky Blinders crew looked very convincing. They always looked as though they'd just jumped out of the shower, definitely unlikely in a '20s Industrial city. Not a smut to be seen.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, I've heard that Peaky Blinders is a really good series but alas, have not watched it. Good luck to your friend in beating his addiction and having a better life.

Liz Hinds said...

True, they were a bit clean, Sonata, but who cares when you have Tommy in the middle?

Thanks, Debra.

Anonymous said...

Your not a Tom Hanks fan, Liz?
Cop Car

Liz Hinds said...

I am, CopCar, but not to the extent Spellchecker seems to think i should be!