Friday, April 26, 2019

Stroking skunks

I spent two hours in a police interview room on Tuesday. Yes, I know how to have fun. It wasn't very exciting. So far from exciting in fact that the thing I remember most is that, in a room about 10' by 10' there were twelve sockets. What on earth would you need that many for? Electrocution by charger?

I was there because a friend who is normally in regular contact had gone silent, and we hadn't been able to get an answer at her door. Thanks to the very helpful police constable I found out she is now in hospital and being taken care of. Which is a lot better than I was imagining.

On Wednesday it was back to family fun. Last year when Leslie, a blogging friend from Canada, came to stay we visited the National Botanic Garden of Wales, and we were fortunate to be there for a show by DWAEC and we had the opportunity to see at close range lots of animals.

This year, when I saw the show was back again, I dragged Daughter, Nuora and the grands there. And it was just as good as I remembered. Got to stroke a skunk and a meerkat, feed a hawk and get up close and personal with a Mexican red-kneed tarantula. Lots of other wonderful creatures that the grandchildren were able to hold and stroke as well.

The same evening we were watching television when I noticed a spider running across the carpet. Had I conquered my fear of spiders? Did I rush to pick him up and save him - George was looking at him hungrily? No. I lifted my feet up and made sure he wasn't coming in my direction.

I think maybe I was less scared of the tarantula because he wasn't running around. And, I have to admit, each time the presenter brought his hand a bit closer to my face my smile got a little bit more trembly.

The presenter took my photo and put it on their Facebook page because, he said, 'You don't often get grannies on the floor.'


Debra She Who Seeks said...

That's a great photo of you with the (*shudder*) tarantula!

Anonymous said...

I, too, like the photo. Any critter that large should be on a leash!
Cop Car

Liz Hinds said...

Thanks both. Yes, the closer it got the greater the temptation to move back!

AJ Blythe said...

I like spiders. I only kill the really poisonous ones in our house (much to the families dismay).

Visiting from A-Z
AJ Blythe

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

I always tell myself firmly that the spider's just as entitled to be there as me, is harmless and kindly keeps flies under control... but I still steer clear whenever I see one.