Husband reads several journals online including The Economist and New Scientist. Husband likes to tell me about articles he's read. The three that currently stick in my head are:
a) swimming in cold water is good for you;
b) being slightly overweight is better for you as you age; and
c) the benefits of exposing your un-sun-creamed body to the sun outweigh the risk of skin cancer.
We are trying to swim in the (very) cold sea each day, conditions permitting. We are over-eating at the breakfast and dinner buffets in our hotel.
We are ignoring the last one and covering ourselves in sun cream. Apart from anything else being sun-burned is painful.
Keep on enjoying your holiday!
Sounds nice. I think you are following the correct advice for a vacation.
With Love,
I agree not all advice is good. Enjoy your vacation.
Thanks all.
If swimming in cold water is good for you, I should be very healthy. My prep school had an open air swimming bath and I swam in it frequently. Does being soaked in an unexpected downpour count at all?
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